LL.B. FAQs — Blackstone School of Law & Business

Frequently Asked Question

LL.B. Program with University of London

Q1 - When should I apply?

There are two deadline for admission in the University of London LL.B. program. October 1st and April 1st is the application deadline for the LL.B. (Hons) program with University of London at Blackstone School of Law & Business in the year that you wish to enroll. However, students are advised to apply as early as possible so as to confirm their registration before the commencement of their classes and to ensure an early delivery of the Study Pack from University of London, which is dispatched by the University from London.

Q2 - When do classes commence?

The classes commence twice a year in the last week of August for the September/October session and last week of May/April session.

What is the minimum requirement for an admission?

Please visit http://www.bsol.org.pk/academic-programs/ and scroll down the page to view “Entrance Requirements” section.

How long is the process of Registration/Admission with the University?

It normally takes 3 to 4 weeks after the application is received by the University, and also provided that complete information has been provided to the University and is in accordance with the entrance requirements.

What will happen if I am denied an admission?

The “Application Handling Fee” for the University of London is non-refundable; if the University refuses a student’s application all other payments (made to Blackstone Law) are refunded. However, if a student is accepted by the University but decides not to continue with his LLB degree, then his “Admission Fee” or the “Tuition Fee” for the term is not refunded.

How difficult is the degree?

The LLB degree not only requires the essential book reading, but also requires hard-work, dedication, commitment, and above all, interest in the degree and passion for law. Passing the degree may not be difficult with Blackstone Law’s modern teaching methodology and foreign qualified faculty but a student needs to be fully committed to attain a higher placement.

Is the degree recognized in Pakistan?

Yes. It is recognized by the HEC, Punjab and other provincial Bar Councils around the country as well as the Pakistan Bar Council. It is also recognised by other legal entities. See Pakistan Bar Council Second Schedule (2)(xv)(52) http://pakistanbarcouncil.org/recognized-universities/

Can I get a license to practice law in Pakistan after this degree?

Yes. The license procedure is the same as it is for the local LLB graduates.

Where else can I practice law with this degree?

LLB degree is recognized world-wide as a legal qualifying degree. The structure of this degree is especially suitable for countries with a “common law” legal framework.

How long will it take for me complete my Bar-at-Law or LL.M. after this degree?

Normally, LL.M. takes from 9 to 12 months, while the Bar takes 9 months to complete. Blackstone Law takes pride in sending its top students, on scholarships, for an LL.M. Program in the USA. Blackstone also provides assistance to students for the Bar at Law Program in the UK. Students also have an option to do the Bar Transfer Program at Blackstone in Lahore.
